Thursday, December 25, 2008

Its Christmas Time in the City!

Merry Christmas!!

Wow! What a Christmas! Somer and I went to my parent's last night, as is tradition, and hung out for awhile, then went back this morning at 6:30 a.m. to see my nieces open their presents. My god are they cute. At ages 2 and 3 it really magical to see their little faces just learning about Santa and getting all sorts of fun stuff.

We actually got up at about 5:45 this morning so that we could have a little christmas here at the apt. before we headed out. I have to say Somer really blew me away with all the great stuff she gave me. I got The Dark Knight on Blu-Ray, TONS of clothes, a food processor (I love to cook,) Funnel Cake batter, lots of candy, a sweet PC game that I am going to try out right after I write this blog, Brisinger, a couple of great CDs, and then to top it all off I got Guitar Hero World Tour on PS3 with 2 guitars!

I have to say though that my favorite part was surprising Somer with her gift. Here at our apt. she got a couple CDs and a couple of cute little trinkets, but after all the commotion at my parents I had one more gift to give her and it actually made her cry. Awwwww I almost cried too! I think she will post about it so I wont say here, you'll have to read her blog later.

Anyways, Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What could possibly be going on!?!

The answer to that question is a resounding, "Not much!"

That's right. Not much is going on here... well unless you could count Somer's Birthday, Christmas, and New Years. I guess when you look at it that way, there really is a lot going on!

I find that pretty funny, to be honest. Any time anyone asks me "how's it goin?" or "whats up?" I tend to always say something along the lines of "oh nothing," or "nadda," or even if I'm especially tired or 'out of it' I may even throw out a resounding "pretty good!" but usually the answer is "Not much." I suppose what I find so funny is that there is almost always something going on! I don't really have anything else to add to that, but I did find it funny and thought that I would comment on it.

Perhaps the next time someone asks I'll actually answer truthfully... "Oh my, what a question... For starters, I'm here at work and quite literally hating every moment of it. Oh sure, there are times that I enjoy my job, but very rarely does it happen while I'm actually working, right now I'm kind of enjoying myself, but that is mainly due to the fact that I'm talking to you about my day, and not some rich asshole teacher/lawyer/doctor/librarian/vet/mechanic/business owner from new york that is pissed off about their 4 week vacation in aruba that was ruined because there was a tree 'near' their window, and they only had a 1/4th ocean view... no right now I'm talking to you, and that is eternally better. Other than all that I suppose there are other things going on. Recently I've been playing a game on my PS3, but you don't really care, I only have about 3 people I can talk to about that... The majority of the people I sit next to think that games are juvenile and adults shouldn't be playing them. I could argue with them about that statement saying the game I'm currently playing lets me buy a hooker, or blow somebodies head off, making it's target audience people my age, but you'll more than likely disagree. Hmmm what else is going on? It is currently 1 week from Christmas and I'm finished shopping, THANK GOD."

I think by the time I've rattled all of this off, unless its one of you reading this who asked, I have probably offended someone... I guess thats the reason I just answer "oh not much."

Well, thats all for now I suppose.